Saturday, April 27, 2013
Art Beat Writers' Society, May 3rd, Oakland
Dorky me. Filled with joy once again! Three writers from my Art Beat Writers' Society workshop are reading at the May First Friday in Oakland. Vicki Macchiavello, writes the deepest and edgiest prose I've read in years. She floors me. Laurel Kapros, is a bright star. She's working on her dream to write and create a one woman show. Very touching work. Patrick Connolly, whose commitment to writing has inspired the group, is no doubt penning the next Great-American novel. Brilliant guy. (Remember his name.) Proud just doesn't describe it for me! I've watched these three practice & perform and have been close to their writings for the last 6 months... seeing them read up on the stage is going to be a true big life moment. They are so amazing! I love them and love their passion! Please be there!